Retention: First-time, Full-time Undergraduates*
Fall 2010 Cohort: 76% Fall 2011 Cohort: 74% Fall 2012 Cohort: 72% Fall 2013 Cohort: 77 % Fall 2014 Cohort: 79% Fall 2015 Cohort: 72% Fall 2016 Cohort: 70% Fall 2017 Cohort: 80% Fall 2018 Cohort: 68% Fall 2019 Cohort: 70% Fall 2020 Cohort: 63%
*Includes all first-time, full-time bachelor’s degree-seeking undergraduates who entered Bay Path in a given Fall semester as first-time, full-time first-year students and who were enrolled as of the following Fall.
Retention: All Traditional Undergraduates**
Fall 2012: 77 % Fall 2013: 81% Fall 2014: 83% Fall 2015: 80% Fall 2016: 79% Fall 2017: 80% Fall 2018: 77% Fall 2019: 77% Fall 2020: 74%
** Includes traditional undergraduate students who were enrolled in a given Fall semester and of those eligible to continue their enrollment in the following Fall semester, provides the percent of those that were retained.
Retention: The American Women's College Undergraduates***
Fall 2013: 72% Fall 2014: 79% Fall 2015: 72% Fall 2016: 75% Fall 2017: 73% Fall 2018: 72% Fall 2019: 67% Fall 2020: 65%
***Includes undergraduate students in The American Women’s College accelerated programs who entered in a given Fall semester and of those eligible to continue their enrollment in the following Fall semester, provides the percent of those that were retained.
Undergraduate Six-Year Graduate Rates
2005 Cohort: 65% 2006 Cohort: 53% 2007 Cohort: 61% 2008 Cohort: 60% 2009 Cohort: 61% 2010 Cohort: 60% 2011 Cohort: 53% 2012 Cohort: 59% 2013 Cohort: 54% 2014 Cohort: 60% 2015 Cohort: 57%
Board Pass Rates
Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam (PANCE)
2013: N/A 2014: 87% 2015: 87% 2016: 96% 2017: 96% 2018: 100% 2019: 100% 2020: 100% 2021: 90%
National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy
2013: 98% 2014: 96% 2015: 92% 2016: 96% 2017: 94% 2018: 93% 2019: 89% 2020: 88% 2021: 94%