Title III Grant: The Learners and Leaders Project
Deepwood Hall located on our Longmeadow Campus
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Bay Path University was awarded the five-year, 2 million dollar grant, by the Federal Government in October of 2012.
Our Title III Grant application featured an activity plan entitled The Learners and Leaders Project. This plan consisted of three interrelated Components:
1. Redesigned general education core: The redesigned general education core will involve faculty teams who will align syllabi with core learner outcomes, use active teaching strategies and technology, and develop instructionally-based assessments.
2. Integrated leadership and career development: An Integrated Leadership and Career Development effort (named Women as Empowered Learners and Leaders [WELL]) will bring together cross-component teams to develop a laddered leadership model across the four years of the baccalaureate designed to engage students and prepare them as 21st century leaders.
3. Unified student support services: A Learning Commons will consolidate a suite of unified support services configured to promote project-based and collaborative learning as well as offer technology-assisted instruction and skill development to improve persistence from the point of contact through graduation.