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Track 1: Nonprofit Fundraising Concentration

The MS in Strategic Fundraising & Philanthropy track in Nonprofit Fundraising is 36 Credits. It is made up of 8 required courses and 4 elective courses.

Required courses: nmp500, nmp521, nmp605, nmp622, nmp623, nmp635, nmp650, nmp675
ELECTIVE COURSES (CHOOSE 4): nmp531, nmp610, nmp615, nmp625, nmp641, nmp645, nmp651, nmp652, nmp655, nmp656, nmp661, nmp665
• to receive the certificate in nonprofit governance choose nmp665 as 1 of your 4 elective courses.
• to receive the certificate in nonprofit management choose nmp625 and nmp665 as 2 of your elective courses. 

Sylvia de Haas-Phillips, Director of our MS in Nonprofit Management & Philanthropy program, and Deborah Kaplan Polivy, author of Donor Cultivation and the Donor Lifecycle Map, talk about the non-profit industry. Deborah's book is featured in one of our courses, NMP 656: Relationships, Communication and Philanthropy. Click here to watch the video.

Curriculum & Schedules

Code Course Name Credit Hours
NMP500 Foundations of the Nonprofit Sector 3

This course examines the theoretical, philosophical, practical and ethical perspectives related to the effective management and leadership of nonprofit organizations in the twenty-first century. Upon completion of the course, the student will possess an understanding of the historical development of the nonprofit sector; the multiple rationales for the existence of the nonprofit sector; the distinctive characteristics of nonprofit organizations; the structures, processes and complexities of organizational governance shared by volunteer board members and professional staff; the dynamic environment of the contemporary nonprofit organization; and the current issues of importance to nonprofit decision makers.

NMP521 Foundations of Philanthropy 3

This course provides an overview of America’s tradition of philanthropy and its relevance for today’s fundraisers. Attention is given to changing expectations for ethical behavior and accountability along with changes in donor markets which impact the practice of philanthropy in the 21st century. This course also examines the theoretical basis and goals of fundraising activities, how to apply the theory to develop a comprehensive development program and a personal fundraising philosophy and framework.

NMP531 Grant Writing for Corporations and Foundations 3

This course will focus on methods of identifying corporate and private foundation funding prospects and applying for grants from these funders. Students will conduct research on foundations and corporations using the Internet and printed materials. They will polish their written communication skills while crafting letters of inquiry, grant proposals, cover letters, and stewardship letters. Students will develop a basic knowledge of the theory, motivations, and methods of corporate and foundation giving programs. Students who register for this class are required to have access to a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization (as an employee or volunteer) that they can use as a topic of class discussions and written assignments.

NMP605 Financial Management in the Nonprofit Sector 3

This course provides a foundation for effective financial nonprofit decision making to promote the financial sustainability of nonprofit organizations in these challenging times. Upon completion of the course the student will: possess an understanding of financial systems as they apply to nonprofit organization; be able to analyze and evaluate the financial health of a nonprofit organization and determine its financial strengths and weaknesses; and use a variety of strategies to improve the financial condition of a nonprofit organization including “quick analysis”, budgeting and cost controls, understanding the nonprofit’s “economic engine,” and developing “unrestricted” funding streams.

NMP610 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Nonprofit Organizations 3

This course will provide nonprofit leaders with the background, knowledge and strategic management skills to not only embrace and communicate with a diverse community and supporters but also to capitalize and strengthen the organizational effectiveness of a nonprofit. Focus of the class will be on population trends, recruitment and management of a diverse staff and board, effective fund raising strategies for diverse communities, communicating and public relations and future strategies.

NMP615 Development and Management of Faith-Based Organizations 3

This course explores the history and changing roles of faith-based organizations in the United States as the religious, cultural and economic landscape of the United States has shifted. The course also analyzes the unique challenges and opportunities that leaders of faith-based organizations face and examines some of the best practices that have helped faith-based organizations and other nonprofits thrive. These include: (1) mission-based management, (2) systems thinking, (3) legal and ethical issues, (4) religious faith as a guiding and empowering force.

NMP622 Donor Motivation and Behavior 3

This course exposes students to the theoretical framework for giving. Students will learn how to assess the various motivational factors which influence giving to a particular cause. In addition, this course provides students with the opportunity to explore and understand the principles and mechanics of the wide variety of giving options available to donors. Students will learn to facilitate a process that defines donor needs, assesses appropriate giving methods, develops sound proposals, and closes gifts.

NMP623 Managing Fund Development Operations 3

As the field of development becomes more complex and demanding, the role of resource management (time, people, and money) takes on increasing importance for the development professional. This course will explore and integrate these issues, and provide resources and tools to build management effectiveness within development. Specifically, students will learn how to apply best practices and sound management principles to the process of securing resources within the nonprofit context.

NMP625 Strategic Management of Nonprofit Organizations 3

The primary goal of this course is to have the student develop and understanding of the executive leader’s job and responsibilities from a conceptual and operating perspective. The student who completes this course will be able to accomplish strategic analysis and develop specific strategies enabling the nonprofit to thrive and maximize mission particularly when faced with adversity. The student will also understand contemporary issues of nonprofit governance and their impact on implementation strategy, will be able to evaluate accomplishment and take appropriate strategic action, and will be able to create and execute a strategic plan for a nonprofit organization.

NMP635 Board Governance and Volunteer Management 3

This course examines the elements, processes and dynamics of board governance and volunteer management of nonprofit organizations. The course includes analysis of the respective roles of the board, executive director, staff and volunteers to maximize organizational effectiveness. Students will learn how to assess and improve the effectiveness of a board, the Senior leadership, volunteers and the overall governance of the nonprofit organization.

NMP641 Capital Campaigns and Planned Giving 3

This course covers the key issues which must be addressed prior to launching a successful capital program and also how to use planned giving as a non-traditional but entirely appropriate type of gift to support capital campaigns. Topics covered that relate to planning a capital campaign include setting goals, the use of feasibility studies to assess institutional readiness, writing a case for support, developing fundraising leadership, board development, donor identification and segmentation, sources and numbers of gifts required to achieve the goal, options on how to incorporate endowment gifts in the solicitation mix, gift-acceptance policies, proven principles of capital campaigns, reporting mechanisms, and donor recognition. Additional topics covered concentrate on how to develop and implement a planned giving program and how to cultivate and solicit individuals for a planned gift. These topics include promoting planned giving programs; identifying and soliciting individual prospects; the role of the board, staff and volunteers; ethical issues; trends in planned giving; and integrating planned giving into an overall fund development program.

NMP645 Marketing Principles and Techniques for Nonprofits 3

This course examines practical strategies and trends in marketing for nonprofit organizations. Topics include the role of marketing in nonprofits, marketing research and planning, marketing’s impact on organizational revenue, relationship between marketing and fund development, types of marketing tools and strategies, audience identification and development, and role of staff and board of directors in nonprofit marketing.

NMP650 Leading Change Through Research in Nonprofits 3

This course is designed to give students the opportunity to apply management theory to authentic problem-solving situations. Students will review and be introduced to contemporary methods of leading change in organizations by providing students with opportunities to apply management theory on both a micro and macro level. On the macro level this course is designed to integrate the concepts studied throughout the masters’ program and those learned in this class, to engage students in informed discussion and assignments of how these concepts are applied to various management and leadership scenarios. At a micro level, students will use this course to plan out specific methodology and frameworks for analysis to use in preparation of the research required for their individual capstone project. The overarching goals of this course are two-fold: (1) ensure that students are prepared with instruments of practical problem solving and knowledge to apply what they have learned in their program to real-life situations in management and (2) allow students to hone and refresh research strategies and skills to prepare them to carry out a masters’ level management-issue research problem in the Capstone course.

NMP651 Annual Giving and Donor Relations 3

By the completion of this course, students will have a comprehensive understanding of the programs and processes which comprise the annual fundraising program. In particular, students will increase their understanding of: the role of fund development generally and annual giving fundraising specifically, how to define and articulate the case for raising annual support, how to develop an annual giving plan and goals, an annual calendar of activities, and other important foundational considerations, the purpose and elements of an annual giving plan including the methods and programs used for raising annual support, and how to effectively manage a comprehensive annual giving program. Additionally, students will learn about the role of donor relations in a comprehensive development program and will be exposed to cutting edge strategies for building and maintaining an effective donor relations effort.

NMP652 Program Evaluation 3

Most nonprofit managers and program staff dread the thought of conducting an evaluation of programs and services. They generally seem to be too costly, take too much time and require more skills than what exists on staff. This course will provide a practical understanding and application of useful assessment methods that can yield benefits to the organization and its stakeholders. Students will learn how to effectively plan for evaluation through the use of logic models, development and use of survey instruments and methodology (e.g. mail, online, focus groups) and data collection and analysis.

NMP655 Leadership & Personal Effectiveness 3

The focus of this course is learning the components & styles of dynamic leadership and how they can be adapted in your personal effectiveness as a nonprofit leader. Students will examine several leadership models through assigned texts, contemporary case models, reading and internet research. In addition to readings and associated papers, students will be required to interview a non-profit leader in the local environment and prepare an oral presentation of their interview findings and associated research.

NMP656 Relationships, Communication and Philanthropy 3

Building long-term relationships with others is one of the most important and powerful concepts behind philanthropy and fund development. Effective organizations depend upon healthy relationships, and so do effective communities. Genuine relationships do not trespass on personal and professional relationships, creating a bank of favors bartered away through self-interested transactions. This course focuses on relationships at both the individual and group level, within and outside of the nonprofit. The course will review theories about human and group interaction, and strategies to build long term, mutually beneficial relationships. Students will learn key communications concepts to support relationship building.

NMP661 Major Gifts 3

For fundraisers, learning how to consistently cultivate and accept large dollar donations is an invaluable professional skill that has many personal and professional rewards including advancement into higher paying positions. This course is designed to provide you with the theoretical and practical knowledge to be that valued and sought after “rainmaker” of large donations. It does this by providing students a clear understanding of how to building donor-centered relationships with high net-worth donors. In this way it demystifies the “major gifts” fundraising process and provides the student with a systematic method for successfully cultivating and receiving major gifts for your nonprofit organization.

NMP665 Public Policy, Advocacy, and Government Relations 3

This course introduces students to the complex and dynamic relationship between government and the nonprofit sector. Topics include the legal constraints within which all nonprofits must operate, the traditional role nonprofits play in public policy advocacy, and the growing role non-profits play as government funded service providers. Students will also learn effective means of legally lobbying legislators and grapple with the possible benefits and negatives of doing so.

NMP675 Capstone: Advanced Fundraising Capstone 3

This class is designed to provide students with the opportunity to apply and demonstrate their mastery of new skills and knowledge. Each student will complete and publicly present the results of a significant project (applied or independent research) pertaining to an issue or management problem. Students will select their topic and complete the initial literature review and project prospectus during NMP/MHE 650 as part of NMP/MHE 650. NOTE: NMP 650/MHE 650 is a prerequisite for NMP 670.