Sylvia de Haas-Phillips, MS, MSW
School of Arts, Science & Management
Director and Assistant Professor
BA, Rutgers University; MS., Southern Connecticut State University; MSW, University of Connecticut; ABD, Brandeis University
Murray Ancell, MS, CFRE
School of Arts, Science & Management
Adjunct Professor
MS, Bay Path University; BS, University of East Anglia , England.
Christine Crawfis, MS
School of Arts, Science & Management
MS, Bay Path University
A. Rima Dael, MS
School of Arts, Science & Management
Adjunct Professor
MS, Nonprofit Management, New School University
Steven Mundahl, MA
School of Arts, Science & Management
MA, University of North Carolina
Timothy Oslovich, MDiv, MTS
School of Arts, Science & Management
Adjunct Faculty
Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management, Bay Path University; MDiv, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia; MTS, Harvard Divinity School; BA, Swarthmore College
Laurel Raimondo Martin, PhD
School of Arts, Science & Management
PhD, Vanderbilt University; MEd, University of Iowa
Lisa Sihvonen-Binder G'10, MS
School of Arts, Science & Management
MS, Nonprofit Management & Philanthropy, Bay Path University
Mary Doorley Simboski, MS, ACFRE
School of Arts, Science & Management
Adjunct Professor
BA, Catholic University of America; MS, Regis College
Sarah Tanner, MPA
School of Arts, Science & Management
MPA, University of Colorado-Denver
Gerardo Zayas , Jr.
School of Arts, Science & Management
Adjunct Professor
MBA, Plymouth State University; BS, Northeastern University