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Learn to launch and lead new business ventures by earning your Bachelor of Science with a major in Entrepreneurship.

Why Entrepreneurship at The American Women’s College?

The world changes at lightning speed and requires new solutions to the challenges it faces. Women are perfectly positioned to be at the forefront of conceiving and launching entrepreneurial ventures that address these challenges. Women typically face different obstacles than men in this field. When women learn ways to gain access to capital and how to create opportunities for networking and mentoring, their success is greatly enhanced.

While studying entrepreneurship, you will:

  • Take courses designed to prepare you to launch and lead entrepreneurial endeavors alone or in organizations.
  • Identify your personal strengths and challenges by comparing your stories to those of other women entrepreneurs.
  • Become an idea investigator as you enhance your skills in identifying and vetting new business opportunities.
  • Learn to pitch your ideas clearly, persuasively, and succinctly.
  • Create new products and services and test their viability.
  • Practice launching a new venture in a simulation that addresses aspects of marketing and operating a business.