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Course Requirements
Please note that course requirements are subject to change.
Code | Course Name | Credits | |
ACC100 | Intro to Financial Accounting | 3 | |
This course's objective is to develop the ability to read, interpret, identify the differences and the relationships between the primary financial statements. This objective is met not only by analyzing the effect of business transactions on financial statements and financial ratios but also by recording essential transactions, measuring the amounts of assets, liabilities, owner's equities, revenues, and expenses, and preparing the primary financial statements. This course also explains the difference between the cash and accrual bases of income measurement, the use of t-account analysis in determining important measures of business activity, and how the time value of money affects the measurement of liabilities. This emphasis on financial statements is facilitated by a semester-long study of the content of corporate annual reports culminating in a comprehensive annual report project. |
ACC101 | Intro to Managerial Accounting | 3 | |
The primary objective of this course is to explore how accounting information is used to help managers make decisions with an emphasis on their planning and control activities. This objective is accomplished by exploring the terms that are used to classify costs, key business cost behavior patterns, cost-volume-profit analysis, budgeting, raw materials and direct labor variance analysis, short-run decision making using relevant costs, and performance evaluation. Students are also introduced to how product costs are determined in manufacturing, merchandising, and service businesses. |
BUS215 | Legal Environments of Business | 3 | |
This course provides a manager's persepective on the law for business students. Students learn the practical implications of law in their own lives and what they must be ready for as they encounter civil and criminal legal issues and business formation issues. |
BUS226 | Principles of Marketing | 3 | |
A survey of the marketing structure for the creation, research, and distribution of goods and services for all types of corporations is examined. Specifically, the fundamentals of the marketing mix: product development, promotion activities, price objectives and placement of goods or services will be explored. Students will also examine how communication, distribution, and exchange activities affect consumer behaviors. |
BUS235 | Dynamics of Management | 3 | |
This course is an introduction to the basic functions and theories of management in the context of a dynamic environment. Emphasis is on the role of managers in making organizations effective and efficient, in part through developing an understanding of how to assess and capitalize on the changing internal and external environments, but most of all how to deal with the complexities of human behavior in the context of organizational management. |
BUS255 | Foundations of Human Resource Mgmt | 3 | |
This course is a presentation and discussion of the specific functions of an organization's Human Resource Department, including the human relation, knowledge, and skills vital to a successful manager. The standards for a manager, the subordinate, and the organization are discussed, as well as the supportive relationship between the employees and the organization. |
BUS262 | Talent Management | 3 | |
This course examines the array of initiatives and tools to effectively managing talent with the goal of supporting organizational outcomes and fit. The student will be exposed to methodologies utilized in planning, recruiting, selecting, hiring, orienting, managing and retaining employees. Performance management in diverse industries is included as a focus of study. |
BUS300 | Organization Develop and Change | 3 | |
Organizational Development and Change provides students with the opportunity to learn critical theory and application in the field of Organizational Behavior and Change and how to use that knowledge to improve organizational development to adapt quickly and effectively to change. Students apply proven methods to help organizations achieve goals and build capabilities to meet future challenges. |
BUS307 | Compensation & Benefits | 3 | |
This course provides a strong overview of the process of job analysis and job design related to position descriptions, job evaluation and the development of wage/salary structures. Connections will be established between individual, group and/or organizational outcomes. Students will study traditional and progressive approaches to employee benefit packages, specifically in terms of meeting the needs of the changing workforce. |
BUS308 | Communicating in Business | 3 | |
This course builds a bridge from student's general education to the work they do in the field of business. With the aim of preparing students for both professional life and graduate work, this writing-intensive course introduces disciplinary strategies for preparing routine business correspondence, for investigating provocative issues, and for communicating to others about them. In this way, the course offers students time to learn and to practice more advanced skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening; in using appropriate software support in presentations; and in mastering information literacy in the field of business. The course emphasizes fundamental principles of communication with time-on-task and real world, discipline-specific models for communication tasks. |
BUS327 | Financial Management | 3 | |
In this course students will learn the concepts, tools, and the analytical techniques that are essential in conducting financial analysis. The course is targeted to teach students financial analysis and its linkage to business performance. The course will cover one of financial ratios to identify potential risks and opportunities, analyzing financial performance of a company, conducting financial forecast, time value of money, cost of capital and return on investments. |
BUS329 | HR Policy, Em Law Records Mgt | 3 | |
HR Policy, Employment Law & Records Management |
BUS371 | Best Pract for HR Profess | 3 | |
Best Practices for Human Resources Professionals |
BUS491 | Strategic Management & Policy | 3 | |
This course is all about connecting the dots, linking various functions of business and understanding the interdependency between marketing, sales, advertising, operations/supply chain and other business functions. The purpose of this course is to enable the student to integrate the lessons learned in previous business, accounting, finance, international business and management courses through the use of case studies analyzed from the general manager's point of view. Students will also learn the importance of score card and metrics that are essential for running a business. |
COM111 | Computer Applic. I | 3 | |
Computer Applications I |
COM112 | Fundamentals of Spreadsheets | 3 | |
This course is aimed at beginning to intermediate computer users. It teaches a range of computer |
ECO240 | Economics | 3 | |
The goal for this course is to make you better consumers of information, goods and services. It's to provide you with the tools you will need to navigate any social or economic climate. The text books for this course might seem a little unconventional for a historically quantitative course but that's because our texts illustrate how economics really affects you everyday. We will examine the elementary principles of economics involving individual and social choice, economic analysis, supply, demand, the market and the price mechanism. Major concentration will vary from macroeconomic to microeconomic principles relative to money, the banking system, housing, inflation, unemployment, education, health care, GDP and global trade. Case studies and exercises will be used. |
ENG114 | Critical Reading & Response | 3 | |
This course introduces the integration of communication skills essential for effective reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college level. In this writing intensive course, students develop composition skills to produce collegiate-level papers modeling rhetorical modes and thematic content in addition to strategies for reading complex texts; presentation skills for personal introductions, verbal summaries of readings and response writings, and peer review of papers; and basic technological skills for word processing, e-mail, and introductory-level online research. |
ENG124 | Research/Writing in Discipline | 3 | |
In this course students will apply the practices for effective reading and writing introduced in ENG 114 to the distinctive language and forms of various disciplines. This course lays the foundation for academic and professional research and stresses the use of appropriate and effective information sources. Readings for a variety of academic audiences will provide students with strategies to communicate in the sciences, business and technology, psychology, liberal studies, and the social sciences. Research and documentation skills appropriate to the disciplines are stressed. In addition to leading students through the research process from start to finish, this course will examine the many ramifications of academic honesty. |
ENG134 | Literary Genres | 3 | |
Selected readings in fiction, poetry, and drama introduce the student to literary types and techniques. These readings provide a basis for collegiate-level discussion, analysis, and the development of critical judgment. Building on the communications and research skills from earlier courses in the sequence, this course emphasizes continued practice in writing, and students complete a documented research paper using primary and secondary sources as one of the course writing assignments. Discussions and oral presentations based on assigned literature support the overall goal of the sequence: to enhance the advancement of the students, first academically and then professionally. |
GEN ELEC | General Electives | 30 | |
GENHLTH | Healthy Living Elective | 2 | |
HISGEN | History Elective | 3 | |
HUMELE | Humanities Elective | 3 | |
MAT120 | Statistics | 3 | |
This is an introduction to the basic descriptive and inferential statistics for students from all disciplines. It emphasizes the development of statistical literacy and the use of computer for analyzing data. Topics include principles of experimental design; graphical and numerical methods for summarizing, describing, exploring and analyzing data; binomial and normal probability distributions; point and interval estimates for means and proportions; hypothesis testing; and correlation and regression. |
PSHUMELE | Psychology/Sociology/Humanities Elective | 3 | |
PSY101 | Introduction to Psychology 1 | 3 | |
Using an active learning approach, students will explore psychological perspectives and methods as explanations for human behavior and mental processes. Other topics include: neurophysiology, consciousness, learning, personality theories, and psychological disorders. |
SCIELECT | Science Elective | 4 | |
WEL220 | WomenEmpoweredasLearnersLeader | 3 | |
Women as Empowered Leaders and Learners |
WEL330 | StratforPers&CareerGrwth | 3 | |
Strategies for Personal and Career Growth |
WEL440 | Leadership in Practice | 3 | |
This capstone course is an interdisciplinary course designed to give senior-level students an opportunity to create a learning experience that allows them to apply knowledge, skills and personal development to a project that also contributes to a family, organization and/or community. This course combines academic study with practical application of leadership, communications and technology skills as a springboard for the student to move forward into the future as an empowered woman. Students may choose to complete research, community-based projects and/or service learning projects. As a culminating experience, this course also provides the platform for assessing students' progress and proficiency. |