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Course Requirements

Please note that course requirements are subject to change.

Code Course Name Credits
BIO210 Genetics 3

This course studies Mendelian inheritance, chromosome abnormalities, cytogenetics, sex determination, and linkage. Genetic recombination, molecular genetics, and biochemical and population genetics will be addressed, as well as the social impact of cloning and other genetic techniques. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in BIO 110 and BIO 112 lecture

BIO210L Genetics Lab 1

Laboratory sessions include recombination analysis in bacteria, viruses, and Drosophila as well as studying the effects of mutations. (Lab fee) Corequisite: BIO 210

BIO320 Cell & Molecular Biology 3

A study of eukaryotic cell structure, function and regulation. DNA structure, replication, transcription, and translation will be stressed, as well as genetic engineering and recombinant DNA techniques (Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in BIO210).

BIO320L Cell & Molecular Biology Lab 1

Laboratory sessions explore the isolation of DNA reactions, and restriction enzyme mapping (Corequisite: BIO320). (Lab fee)

BUS204 Financial Wellness 1

Financial Wellness is a practical approach to making informed and empowering decisions about financial health. Students explore values, feelings and knowledge related to money, acquire basic financial knowledge and apply this knowledge to short and long term financial decisions. Curriculum is customized to individual student learning, with four required modules and two elective modules.

CHE120 Chemistry 1 3

Chemistry I is an introduction to the fundamental facts and principles of chemistry. Topics considered will include: chemical stoichiometry, atomic structure, the periodic table, chemical bonding, thermochemistry, and physical states of matter (Prerequisite: MAT112, MAT120, MAT130, or MAT221).

CHE120L Chemistry 1 Lab 1

Laboratory experiences will include experiments that illustrate concepts presented in lecture, as well as introduce the students to experimental design, computer/instrument interfacing, and the statistical treatment of data. (Lab fee) Corequisite: CHE 120

CHE121 Chemistry 2 3

This course is a continuation of CHE 120. Topics considered will include: solutions, reaction rates, chemical equilibrium, precipitation reactions, acids and bases, reaction spontaneity, redox reactions, and electrochemistry (Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in CHE120).

CHE121L Chemistry 2 Lab 1

Laboratory experiences include experiments that illustrate concepts presented in lecture, as well as introduce the student to experimental design, computer/instrument interfacing, and the statistical treatment of data. (Lab fee) Corequisite: CHE 121

CHE220 Organic Chemistry 1 3

This course is an introduction to the fundamental principles of organic chemistry. Topics covered will include stereochemistry, reaction mechanisms, basic nomenclature, and the recognition of basic functional groups. Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in CHE120 lecture and CHE121 lecture

CHE220L Organic Chemistry 1 Lab 1

Laboratory exercises will focus on basic techniques of organic synthesis and isolation of organic compounds. Laboratory skills and safety procedures will be stressed. (Lab fee) Corequisite: CHE 220

CHE221 Organic Chemistry 2 3

This course is a continuation of CHE 220. Topics covered will include an examination of the higher structural classes and functional groups. Organic synthesis and spectroscopic methodologies will be explored. Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in CHE 220 lecture

CHE221L Organic Chemistry 2 Lab 1

This is a continuation of CHE 220L. Laboratory exercises will focus on the characterization of organic compounds by spectroscopic and chemical techniques. (Lab fee) Corequisite: CHE 221

ENG114 Critical Reading & Response 3

This course introduces the integration of communication skills essential for effective reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college level. In this writing intensive course, students develop composition skills to produce collegiate-level papers modeling rhetorical modes and thematic content in addition to strategies for reading complex texts; presentation skills for personal introductions, verbal summaries of readings and response writings, and peer review of papers; and basic technological skills for word processing, e-mail, and introductory-level online research.

ENG124 Research & Writing in the Disciplines 3

In this course students will apply the practices for effective reading and writing introduced in ENG 114 to the distinctive language and forms of various disciplines. This course lays the foundation for academic and professional research and stresses the use of appropriate and effective information sources. Readings for a variety of academic audiences will provide students with strategies to communicate in the sciences, business and technology, psychology, liberal studies, and the social sciences. Research and documentation skills appropriate to the disciplines are stressed. In addition to leading students through the research process from start to finish, this course will examine the many ramifications of academic honesty. Prerequisite: ENG 114

ENG134 Literary Genres 3

Selected readings in fiction, poetry, and drama introduce the student to literary types and techniques. These readings provide a basis for collegiate-level discussion, analysis, and the development of critical judgment. Building on the communications and research skills from earlier courses in the sequence, this course emphasizes continued practice in writing, and students complete a documented research paper using primary and secondary sources as one of the course writing assignments. Discussions and oral presentations based on assigned literature support the overall goal of the sequence: to enhance the advancement of the students, first academically and then professionally. Prerequisite: ENG 114

HUM210 Ethics 3

Philosophy is a disciplined search for knowledge. It investigates what is real and true. Ethics is a branch of philosophy which asks What ought we do? It rigorously challenges us to think critically, assess knowledge, and form criteria for making personal decisions as well as decisions which shape community and national standards of action. Ethics is the applied branch of philosophy. Its not just theory. It affects real decisions, real people, in the real world. In this course we will investigate the field of ethics from a multicultural and international perspective. Well start with basic ethical theories and proceed to use these theories to learn about and evaluate some of the major ethical issues in the world on topics such as poverty, justice, war, rights, discrimination, etc. Prerequisite: ENG 124

MAT120 Statistics 3

This is an introduction to the basic descriptive and inferential statistics for students from all disciplines. It emphasizes the development of statistical literacy and the use of computer for analyzing data. Topics include principles of experimental design; graphical and numerical methods for summarizing, describing, exploring and analyzing data; binomial and normal probability distributions; point and interval estimates for means and proportions; hypothesis testing; and correlation and regression (Pre-requisite: MAT104 or appropriate placement test score).

NEU100 Introduction to Neuroscience I 3

This course will provide a broad introduction to neuroscience, focusing on examples and approaches from cellular and molecular, cognitive, behavioral and systems neuroscience.. Topics will include structure and function of the central and peripheral nervous systems, neuroanatomy, basic neurophysiology, neurochemistry, neural development, hormones and behavior. (Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in BIO111 and 112)

NEU100L Introduction to Neuroscience I Lab 1  
NEU200 Introduction to Neuroscience II 3

This course is a continuation of NEU100 and will build on the foundations in neuroscience covered in the previous course. Topics such as sensory and motor systems, learning, memory, cognition and neurological disorders will be covered. The accompanying laboratory is designed to expose students to basic methods and experimental approaches in neuroscience including dissection of sheep brains, recording the activity of nerve cells, engaging in computer simulation as well as basic histological techniques commonly useed in neuroscience. (Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in NEU100)

NEU200L Introduction to Neuroscience II Lab 1  
NEU250 Resarch Meth Neuro 3

This course will cover the basics associated with designing and implementing research experiments in neuroscience. Additionally, the course will introduce students to a variety of current techniques that neuroscientists use to study the nervous system. Topics include histology and microscopy, behavioral analysis, brain imaging and the use of transgenic organisms. 3 credits. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in NEU100 and NEU200.

NEU399 Junior Seminar 3

Critical overview of major fields of specialization in neuroscience, with focus on conducting research. This course will emphasize developing a viable research proposal grounded in historical, philosophical, and empirical foundations related to a student conceived research question. Students will be expected to conduct literature searches, develop a rationale for their research question and write a proposal which should include an introduction, a hypothesis, methods and expected results. 3 Credits. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in NEU350.

NEU498 Neuroscience Research 3

As part of this course, students will complete a research internship that consists of either an 8-week full-time summer research experience or 300 hours of research over an entire academic year (at least two semesters). The research experience will involve an independent hypothesis-drive study/implemented and completed by the student at her chosen research mentor's laboratory. Students may register for this course either during the research internship (if being conducted during the semester) or after the internship has been completed (if the research was conducted in the prior summer). A student cannot register for this course prior to the completion of the internship. (This course is graded Pass/Fail). 3 Credits.

NEU499 Senior Seminar 3

The course is designed to provide the senior student with instruction and practice in the oral, poster, and written presentation of research data. Topics will include preparation of figures, slides, posters, and organization of the presentation. Students are required to provide their own data from independently conducted research. Students must have completed an internship prior to registering for this course. 3 Credits. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in NEU399.

PHS201 College Physics 1 for Science Majors 3

This course is a calculus-based introduction to the principles of physics and their applications. The topics covered will include kinematics, Newton's laws of motion, work, energy, momentum, and rotational motion (Prerequisite: MAT130 or MAT221).

PHS201L College Physics 1 Lab 1

Laboratory sessions will include exercises using computer-interfaced physics equipment and will involve applications of theoretical concepts introduced in PHS 201. (Lab fee) Corequisite: PHS 201

PHS202 College Physics 2 3

This course is a calculus based introduction to rotational motion, oscillations, wave motion, thermal physics, kinetic theory, and electricity and magnetism. Prerequisite: PHS 201

PHS202L College Physics 2 Lab 1

Laboratory sessions will include exercises using computer-interfaced physics equipment and will involve applications of theoretical concepts introduced in PHS 202. (Lab fee) Corequisite: PHS 202

WEL100 Women as Empowered Learners & Leaders 3

Women as Empowered Learners and Leaders is an interdisciplinary course, designed to give all students entering Bay Path University a common experience and foundation for their education. This course is an introduction to the University, to academic study, and to various approaches to thinking about personal potential, to understand the process of becoming a learner, and a leader, and composing a life, to appreciate beauty, and work actively toward establishing community and justice in the context of being a woman at the beginning of the 21st century.

WEL310 Strategies for Career and Personal Growth 1

(This course is graded Pass/Fail.) In their junior year before the opening of the spring semester, baccalaureate degree students will be offered a special opportunity to learn up-to-date information about the current work world in an intensive two-and-a-half-day workshop format. Students will meet successful professionals who will discuss the challenges and opportunities of their respective fields and help students prepare for interviews as well as learn how to navigate the early stages of their new careers.

WEL400 WELL in Practice 3

By WEL400, you will be ready to blend all the skills you have learned during the WELL program—leadership, critical thinking, research, writing, analysis, and public presentation—with a community service project. Empathy, respect, and tolerance are the core human values that are stressed. It’s what every good leader needs to confidently show the way.

XXXXXX Arts & Aesthetics Elective 3  
XXXXXX Citizenship Electives 6  
XXXXXX Global Elective 3  
XXXXXX Healthy Living Elective 1  
XXXXXX Upper Level Science/Psychology Electives 16  
XXXXXX General Electives 16