Accepted Student Events
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Congratulations and welcome to Bay Path University!
For students entering in Fall 2022
Virtual Advising and Course Registration:
Beginning in May, our professional advising team will set up virtual, one-on-one advising consultation appointments with you where you will learn about the advising tools and resources at Bay Path, your major and core curriculum requirements, and register for your classes. Prior to your virtual advising consultation with your Academic Advisor & Success Coach, please complete our Advising Questionnaire (this will be available shortly). This questionnaire is one of the first tools your Advisor uses to get to know you and understand your individual needs, interests, and goals. (Spring semester students do not need to complete this form.):
- Activate your "My Bay Path" Portal account
- Download the Bay Path University app on your smartphone or tablet (you must activate your "My Bay Path" Portal prior to download)
- Submit any college credit you have completed through official transcripts and/or score reports to the Admissions Office (i.e. Advanced Placement, Dual Enrollment, CLEP, International Baccalaureate)