I read an interesting article just the other day about how to be more effective in meetings. What was astonishing was one study estimated that American companies hold 11 million meetings daily. Another said the unproductive ones cost the country about $37 billion yearly.
As you read through the article, there are tools that are recommended on how you can get your point across in a meeting. Tools can help, but most importantly, you need to be confident in leading yourself in order to follow through.
Most people think of leadership in the more traditional sense where there is top-down leadership. As this article states with so many dollars wasted in productivity this technique bears reexamining. What if we look at leadership in the context of an activity rather than an individual’s title? This allows for leadership in multiple positions within a hierarchy. It also allows for the use of a variety of abilities depending on the demands of the culture and situation. Personal abilities are resources for leadership applied differently in different contexts.
I believe it’s important that everyone recognizes that they are a leader. They may not be leading a group, but they are definitely leading themselves! I believe leaders are individuals who consciously choose to use their ability to influence and impact others to bring about results that are positive –for themselves, others, and their organizations.
View our webinar on negotiating your way to success and how it can help you be a more effective leader.