Longmeadow Campus: Emergency Procedures
To report an emergency: DIAL 911
Then call Campus Public Safety: 413.313.4139 or ext. 1225 from a University Telephone
Bay Path University's Communications Policy:
During or following an incident, the news media may arrive and reporters may request or begin interviews. Since it is very important that Bay Path speak with a single, well-informed voice, the administration will assign a spokesperson to speak to the media.
The Vice President for Advancement or designate will handle all media requests and will work in conjunction with the public sector public information officer (PIO).
Students, faculty and staff must refer all requests for interviews or public comments to the designated University official.
Administration will communicate information to students, faculty and staff as soon as possible.
Active Shooter
Watch this video to learn more about what to do in the event of an active shooter scenario.
An exterior, airborne hazard may require sheltering in place. It is a temporary strategy designed for protection when there is insufficient time to evacuate to a safe location away from the building or campus, and it is safer to remain inside.
Ideal Shelter Areas:
Inside rooms (no exterior windows or doors)
Above the ground floor
Windowless room
Minimal vents and doors that will have to be closed or sealed
If instructed to shelter-in-place, take the following action:
Close all doors and windows to seal off the building from the exterior.
Relocate everyone to shelter areas within the interior of the building, preferably on an upper floor if the building is multistory.
Walk without delay, but do not run. Do not use elevators.
Account for all students/employees when you reach the shelter area. Notify Campus Public Safety at Extension 1225 if anyone is injured or missing.
Remain in the shelter; do not leave until an “all clear” message is broadcast.
Lockdown is a protective action employed to safeguard people when there is an armed perpetrator on or near the campus, approaching the building, or in the building. If the location of the threat is outside, the building may be secured while activities continue inside. If the location of the perpetrator(s) is unknown or believed to be inside, a “lockdown” warning may be broadcast.
You may be warned to lockdown by the e2Campus notification system (text message), email, and or telephone.
Lockdown Procedures
If Lockdown is Broadcast:
If the threat is in your building AND you have a clear/safe path to exit the building, evacuate and move away from the building.
If you do not know the location of the perpetrator(s) OR are not sure there is a clear exit path, remain silent and invisible.
Take refuge in the nearest classroom, office, or other room.
Close, lock, and secure all doors. Turn off lights.
Silence cell phones and prevent the light from smartphones to give away your location.
Direct everyone to sit quietly on the floor away from windows, doors, and out of view from interior windows.
Maintain calm and prevent anyone from leaving the room.
Remain in lockdown and do not communicate with anyone at your door until you hear official instructions from police or the e2Campus notification system.
If the Fire Alarm System Sounds:
Evacuate if there are visible signs of a fire.
Await instructions if no signs of fire.
Review posted evacuation routes and assembly areas.
Identify anyone with temporary or permanent disabilities who may need special assistance. Consult with Campus Public Safety.
Evacuation Procedures
Evacuation routes and assemble areas may change depending on the nature and location of the emergency. Listen for instructions.
If the Fire Alarm Sound
Leave personal belongings behind, unless instructed otherwise.
Walk without delay, but do not run. Do not use elevators.
Assist persons with disabilities or special needs.
Check restrooms and alert occupants to evacuate.
Evacuate using primary evacuation path to assembly area.
Avoid hazardous areas.
Account for all students/employees/visitors when you reach the assembly area. Notify Campus Public Safety or Incident Commander if anyone is injured or missing.
Remain at the assembly area. Do not re-enter the building until told to do so by Campus Public Safety.
If Instructed to Evacuate, But Fire Alarm is Not Sounding:
Listen carefully for instructions.
You may be told to avoid hazardous areas; where to assemble; and whether everyone should bring personal belongings.
Unless instructed otherwise, evacuate using the primary evacuation path to outside assemble area. If unsafe, use alternate evacuation paths.
Gas Leak
If you smell gas, evacuate the building immediately.
Direct others to evacuate using exits away from the source of the leak or smell.
Do not touch light switches or other electrical appliances.
Dial 911 from outside; then call Campus Public Safety at ext. 1225.
Assemble at least 330 feet away from the building.
Power Outage
Facilities Management or Campus Public Safety will assess the scope and expected duration of the outage.
Do not move around the building unnecessarily.
Do not use elevators.
Check restrooms, stairwells and corridors in proximity to your classroom or office to determine if anyone needs assistance.
Notify Campus Public Safety at extension 1225 if you have problems or need special assistance.
If emergency lights in your area are out, notify Facilities Management.
Elevator Emergency
If elevator is stalled, notify Campus Public Safety at extension 1225.
Communicate with passengers to determine if there is a medical emergency. Identify number of passengers in the elevator.
If there is a medical emergency, communications with the passenger(s) is lost, or person(s) must be removed by any means other than normal passenger exit door under their own power, dial 911 and request rescue assistance.
Communicate frequently with passengers. Reassure them that help is on the way and they are safe as long as they do not panic or try to open the doors
Direct emergency responders to the scene.
Severe Thunderstorm Watch: Severe thunderstorms are possible in the area. Remain alert for approaching storms.
Severe Thunderstorm Warning: Severe thunderstorms are occurring.
Remain indoors until the warning expires. Direct anyone outside to seek shelter inside immediately.
Stay away from all windows and doors during the storm. Close shades or blinds to reduce the risk from flying glass if it breaks due to high winds.
Monitor the latest weather information.
Avoid using a corded telephone or other electrical appliances until the storm passes.
Tornado Watch: Tornadoes are possible in the area. Remain alert for approaching storms.
Tornado Warning: Tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar. If a warning is issued, the sky becomes dark green and threatening, large hail is falling, or you hear the roar of a train:
Go to the designated tornado shelter or basement.
If there is no basement, go to the center of an interior room on the lowest level away from windows, doors, and outside walls.
Put as many walls as possible between you and the outside.
Avoid places with wide-span roofs, such as theater, dining room, and large hallways with doors at ends.
Stay away from windows and open spaces.
If you are unable to reach a substantial tornado shelter, get under a piece of sturdy furniture, such as a desk or heavy table. Hold onto it. Use your arms to protect your head and neck.
If substantial furniture is not available, squat low to the floor or ground. Put your head down and cover your head and neck with your arms and hands.
Hazardous Materials Spill Procedures
Identify chemicals stored or used in classroom or work area.
Review the hazards of these chemicals by reading warning labels; follow all instructions for safe use; and identify procedures to follow if there is a spill.
Request a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) from Facilities Management if you need additional information.
Do not attempt to rescue anyone overcome by chemical vapors or gases in an enclosed room or area - only trained rescuers with breathing apparatus should enter the area.
If exposed to a chemical on clothing, skin or by inhalation: remove the clothing, seek medical treatment immediately.
If the spill is dangerous to life or health, pull the fire alarm and evacuate the building immediately; assemble at a safe location.
Dial 911 to report the emergency. Provide the following information:
Location of the spill
Type of chemical spilled
Quantity spilled
Number and extent of injuries
Has spill or vapors from the spill spread into the drain or ventilation system?
Notify Campus Public Safety at extension 1225.
If trained, provide first aid assistance from a position of safety
Establish a safe perimeter around the spill and do not allow anyone other than trained and equipped responders to enter the spill area.
Clean up the spill ONLY if the spill is small, you are aware of the hazards of the chemical, you have been properly trained to clean up the spill, and no special protective equipment is required.
Suspicious Packages
Suspicious Package I ndicators
Hand delivered
Powdery substance on the outside
Unexpected or from someone unfamiliar to the addressee
Receipt followed by anonymous caller asking if item received
NO postage, or excessive postage
Handwritten or poorly typed address, incorrect titles or titles with no name, or misspellings of common words
Addressed to someone unknown
No return address or one that can't be verified as legitimate
Unusual weight, given its size, or is lopsided or oddly shaped
Unusual shape, soft spots, or bulges
"Sloshing sound" mail bombs typically do not tick
Pressure or resistance when opening the package may indicate a mail bomb
Unusual amount of tape
Marked as restrictive endorsements: "personal," "confidential," "fragile," or "rush - do not delay," "to be opened in privacy of..."
Strange odors or stains
Suspicious Package Procedures
Notify Campus Public Safety at extension 1225.
Alert everyone in adjacent areas that a suspicious letter or package has been found and to clear the area
If the suspicious item is believed to be a bomb, evacuate the building and follow procedures for Bomb Threats.
Write down reasons for identifying the package as suspicious (e.g., excessive postage; no return address; rigid envelope; etc.).
Bomb Threat Evacuation
Direct everyone to gather their personal belongings.
Tell everyone to turn off cellular smartphones and devices.
Visually sweep the room for suspicious items.
Leave doors and windows open; Do not touch the light switch.
Move to assembly area and account for students/employees. Notify Campus Public Safety (extension 1225) or Incident Commander if anyone is missing.
Electronic Mail Threats
Leave the e-mail message open on the computer.
Notify Campus Public Safety (ext. 1225) and Information Technology.
Print the message. Include the properties of the message.
Save the e-mail without closing it.
Written Threats
Minimize handling. DO NOT fold, crumple, tear, or mark.
Notify Campus Public Safety at extension 1225.
If possible, photograph the threat.
Write exact wording of threat on separate sheet of paper.
Note where item was found and the date/time found.
Note any situations or conditions surrounding the discovery.
Identify any other person who may have seen the threat.
Secure the original item. If small, place in a large bag or envelope.
If on a large object, secure the location.
Telephone Threats
Signal another employee to listen in.
Ask the caller where the bomb is located and time of detonation.
Ask the caller why they are doing this.
Log every word spoken. Ask the caller to repeat the message.
Pay attention to background noises, which may give a clue about the caller's location.
Listen closely to the caller's voice (gender, calm, excited, laughter, accent, speech impediment).
Fill out the Bomb Threat Form (Emergency Operations Plan).
If phone is equipped with Caller ID log caller's number.
Be available after the call for interview.
Verbal Threats
Note description of the threat maker (age, race, sex, clothing, body height/weight, hair color, and distinguishing features).
Write down the threat exactly as it was communicated to you.
For rumors, write down known information.
How to Ride Out the Earthquake
Drop, Cover, and Hold—Take cover under a sturdy desk, table, or bench, or against an inside wall, and hold on. If there is no desk or table near you, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch in an inside corner of the building.
Stay away from glass, windows, outside doors and walls, and anything that could fall, such as lighting fixtures and furniture.
Stay inside until the shaking stops, and it is safe to go outside. Most injuries during earthquakes occur when people are hit by falling objects while entering or leaving buildings.
Be aware that electricity may go out, or fire alarms may sound.
Do not use the elevators.
When the Ground Stops Shaking
Check for injuries and call Campus Public Safety for assistance. Avoid calling emergency medical services for minor injuries. See Medical Emergency heading on this page.
Do not move seriously injured people unless they are in immediate danger of further injury. Cover injured persons with blankets to keep them warm.
Evacuate the building as directed by Campus Public Safety and avoid unsafe areas—follow instructions on the Evacuation header of this page.
Prepare for aftershocks.
Check for Hazards
Leaking gas or odor of gas—if you smell gas, evacuate immediately and do not operate any electrical switches.
Building structural damage or interior damage that creates a hazard.
Exposed electrical wiring—Do NOT touch any wiring
Broken glass.
Broken water pipes in bathrooms, kitchens, stairwells, and mechanical areas.
Spilled or leaking chemicals - See Hazardous Material Spill or Release header on this page.
Open closets carefully - beware of objects that may tumble off shelves.
If You Spot any Hazards:
Call Campus Public Safety at extension 1225.
Evacuate the area if there is a significant hazard.
Establish a safety perimeter and prevent others from entering the area.
Weapon - Assault - Intruder
Signs of a Violent Perpetrator
Patterns that may indicate an act of violence is imminent
Serious violent fighting with peers and family
Severe destruction of property
Severe rage for seemingly minor reasons
Detailed threats of lethal violence
Possession or use of firearms and other weapons
Self-injurious behaviors or threats or attempts at suicide
Possession of a Weapon
Dial 911 and Campus Public Safety (ext. 1225); identify person with the weapon.
Determine the type and location of the weapon.
Provide information including whether anyone was threatened.
Do not leave room where weapon is located unattended.
Assault or Fight in Progress
Establish a safe perimeter and move students out of the area.
Notify Campus Public Safety at extension 1225.
Defuse the situation if safe to do so.
Isolate witnesses and preserve evidence.
Armed Intruder; No Shots Fired
Dial 911 then Campus Public Safety (extension 1225); do not place anyone at risk.
Avoid using force unless someone's life is in imminent danger.
If the gunman starts shooting, get everyone down on the floor.
Take cover on the floor and/or behind equipment.
Do as the gunman demands. Never argue.
Take your time; avoid sudden moves.
Keep everyone as calm as possible.
Talk to the gunman; learn as much as you can about him/her.
Be observant, but do not stare at the gunman.
Mentally record a detailed description of the individual and weapon. Identify a distinctive feature and concentrate on it.
Note what objects the intruder touches; preserve for police.
Preserve the crime scene and avoid touching, moving or disturbing evidence.
If you see a fire, pull nearest fire alarm if not already activated.
Evacuate using primary evacuation path; assemble outside.
Dial 911 from a safe location. Provide the following information:
Fire location (building address, floor number, room number)
Nature of fire
Leave personal belongings behind, unless instructed otherwise.
Walk without delay, but do not run.
Do not use elevators.
Account for all students/employees/visitors when you reach the assembly area. Notify Campus Public Safety (ext. 1225) or Incident Commander if anyone is missing or injured.
Remain at the assembly area; do not re-enter the building until told to do so.
Dial 911 to report the following; then Campus Public Safety (ext. 1225):
Is there structural damage or collapse?
Any injuries?
Is natural gas or any hazardous material leaking?
Did the explosion disperse any liquids, mists, vapors, or gas?
Did the explosion only destroy a package or the bomb device?
Are there unexplained odors.
Could the “explosion” be the use of illegal fireworks?
If the Explosion is Inside:
Evacuate along established routes to primary assembly areas.
Redirect to exits away from site of the explosion.
Do not use elevators.
Discontinue use of all radios and cell phones.
Account for all students/employees/visitors at assembly areas.
Inform Fire Department Incident Commander or Campus Public Safety if anyone is missing or injured.
If the Explosion is Outside:
If you are in danger due to fire, smoke, danger of collapse, broken glass, or other hazards, evacuate away from the scene of the explosion; follow evacuation procedures.
Keep away from windows.
If your classroom, office, or room is safe, await instructions from Campus Public Safety.
Prepare to “Shelter-In-Place.”
Medial Emergency
Medical Emergency Procedures
Dial 911; provide following:
building name/address and exact location of victim(s)
number of victims and nature of injury or illness
medical history including medications and allergies (if known)
hazards involved
building entrance nearest the victim (emergency access point)
Call Campus Public Safety at extension 1225.
Stay with the injured or ill person(s).
Do not move the person unless in imminent danger.
Manage crowd control / attend to classmates.
Universal Precautions
Wear gloves, when possible, to avoid contact with blood or body fluids (this includes cleaning up spills.)
Wash hands immediately and thoroughly should you come in contact with blood or body fluids.
Notify Maintenance to clean up any blood or body fluids.
Discard soiled materials into a container with a plastic liner.
Wash hands immediately after task is completed even when gloves are worn.
First Aid
ALLERGIC REACTION: Keep person quiet/calm. Administer epi-pen if prescribed for that individual.
BLEEDING: Apply pressure—elevate area—apply cloth dressing. If severe, apply constant pressure (use clean cloth or gauze) add more cloths as needed (do not remove soiled dressing) follow universal precautions (see above.)
BUMPS/BRUISES: Apply ice—elevate.
BURNS: First degree (skin is reddened)—apply cool water with compresses or by immersion. Second degree (skin is blistered)— apply cool water as above, elevate. Third degree (skin is burned away—Do not apply water or ice—elevate.
CHEST PAIN: Keep person calm—Dial 911 for help immediately.
CHOKING: Do not do anything if person can speak or cough. Otherwise, perform Heimlich Maneuver.
CUTS/SCRATCHES: Wash area with soap/water—apply dressing.
EYE INJURIES: Do not remove any object from the eye.
FAINTING: Lay person back with legs elevated.
FRACTURES: Immobilize—apply ice—watch for swelling, and/or discoloration.
HEAD INJURIES: Keep person quiet, don’t move head or neck, don’t give fluids.
POISONING: Attempt to identify the substance—call poison center at 800-222-1222. Do not give anything by mouth unless directed.
SEIZURES: Time seizure activity. Keep person safe (move sharp objects away) do not force any object between teeth or hold victim down, maintain airway. Check for medical alert bracelet.
SHOCK: Keep person quiet and warm—lay on back with legs elevated—cover with coat or blanket.
SPRAINS/STRAINS: Elevate—immobilize—apply ice—watch for swelling—do not remove shoes.
STROKE WARNING SIGNS: Face drooping, arm weakness, speech difficulty. Dial 911 immediately; note time symptoms appeared.
UNCONSCIOUSNESS: If trained, perform CPR on any person without a pulse or not breathing.