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Requesting Housing Accommodations

Bay Path University strives to foster safe, comfortable, and supportive living communities that create a seamless living and learning environment.

We recognize that occasionally, students may need housing accommodations in order to be successful. In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA), Bay Path has established procedures to ensure that students with documented disabilities receive housing assignments that reasonably meet their needs as required by law. To help make certain each student receives an appropriate housing assignment, the following process has been developed to review all requests for housing accommodations.

Students applying for a housing accommodation must submit a completed intake form and recent medical documentation authorized by a licensed physical or mental health care provider. Only students with documented disabilities are eligible for consideration for housing accommodations. Both the completed intake form and recent medical documentation must be submitted to the AccessAbility Services Office.

  • Bay Path University requires housing accommodation requests be accompanied by current and documentation of the disability and its projected impact on the residential experience.
  • Housing accommodations are approved only for appropriately documented disabilities and/or medical issues that substantially limit or compromise the residential experience at Bay Path.

A team of staff evaluates requests made by students seeking housing accommodations. In an effort to respond to these requests as fairly and knowledgeably as possible, members of this committee will be comprised of Residence Life, Health Services, and Student Academic Support.

The team evaluates the student’s disability status, the necessity of the requested accommodations, potential alternative accommodations and what, if any, housing accommodations would be appropriate for the student. Students are informed of the status of their request by residence life staff as soon as reasonably possible.