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Student Loans

Educate Yourself on Student Loan Options

Student loans are often a key component of a financial aid award. It is essential that you research and understand the variety of student loan options available and their repayment obligations.

In addition to private student loans issued by banks, the U.S. government makes available to its citizens a number of federal student loans with attractive repayment conditions.

You can learn a great deal about federal student loans from the U.S. Department of Education website. Here you will find loan types, conditions and FAQs described in detail.

FAFSA stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid. This online location is where you must file the FAFSA application to be eligible for financial aid awards at Bay Path University.

After you have learned the basics about student loans, you may still have unanswered questions. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your Admissions Counselor and the Student Financial Aid Office for additional answers. We want to ensure that you are well informed and well prepared to plan for and finance your education. 

Learn more about subsidized and unsubsidized loans here.